Q&A with Pierre Creton and Vincent Barré on Sept. 28

Filmmaker and farmer Pierre Creton returns to the Normandy landscape so lushly portrayed in last year’s A Prince (NYFF61). Now, in this singularly tranquil documentary, co-directed with filmmaker-sculptor Vincent Barré, he offers an experience pleasing in its magnificent simplicity. Accompanied by a small filming crew, Creton and Barré follow paleobotanist Mark Brown across seven locations in the Pays des Caux region as he seeks out native plants from which an ancient garden could be created and explains, with the loving tenderness of a true expert, the etymology, beauty, and scientific properties of the region’s flora. Structured in two halves, 7 Walks with Mark Brown first documents the making of these expeditions and then presents the result, a cinematic work of taxonomy and poetry, of nature and camaraderie.

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