The Wooster Group’s 1977 theater piece Rumstick Road has been recognized by critics and scholars as a landmark work that helped usher in a new era of experimental performance. Conceived by Spalding Gray as a response to the suicide of his mother, and directed by Elizabeth LeCompte, Rumstick Road combined Gray’s personal recorded conversations, family letters, the writings of Mary Baker Eddy, 35mm slides, music, and dance. This 2013 video reconstruction of Rumstick Road keeps faith with the theater piece by registering, in a new composite, the texture of time and memory that shaped the original production. LeCompte and filmmaker Ken Kobland have worked with Wooster Group archivist Clay Hapaz to layer, juxtapose, and blend together numerous archival fragments—including U-Matic video, Super-8 film, reel-to-reel audio tapes, photographs, and slides—in order to reconstruct that lost performance.